Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are becoming a common and serious public health issue. Each year, an estimated 2.8 million emergency visits, hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States are TBI-related.

TBIs take place when an external force causes damage to the brain. The most common form is a mild TBI, also known as a concussion, yet it can cause physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms. Severe TBIs can result in long-term complications that significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

Protecting the people most at risk of TBIs

As a susceptible organ, the brain can suffer irreversible damage. People at risk of TBIs, such as contact sports athletes, take extra precautions to protect their heads and prevent injuries and concussions. However, despite using protective gear in contact sports, many athletes retire with a brain disease or two.

According to the National Library of Medicine, a brain that absorbs many nutrients before accidental occurrences can help mitigate the adverse effects. Taking nutritional supplements and vitamins for TBI could also speed up the recovery process.

Making NFL-level of nutrition accessible to everyone

Scott Solomon and Andrew Sendejo created BrainTree Nutrition to solve TBI’s growing threat in sports. As former National Football League (NFL) athletes with vast personal experience with supplements, they worked with medical experts to develop a product line that improves cognitive function, immune response, sleep, and other physiological functions. Their products can help prevent TBI’s adverse effects and manage present symptoms. In addition, they actively identify ingredients with proven brain health benefits based on scientific studies and research by credible organizations.

Helping people beyond TBI Solomon has a medical history involving the condition, which has also garnered his family’s support in contributing to the research and development of BrainTree Nutrition’s latest offerings. The brand adheres to the philosophy that prevention is better than cure, providing lifestyle modification tools and access to medical intervention on top of its products.